Saturday, September 7, 2024

Channeling Sweet Baby James

When I arrived at the spot where I would have to await the transfer, I was amazed by how much snow the city plows had pushed up, over, and around the waiting area. The snow bank must have been three or four feet deep and would have otherwise rendered the bus stop useless save for the brave soul that had carved out enough of it to be able to get inside and away from the wind. I began to wind myself up. I started bitching out loud about the utter lack of care or concern, on the part of the city, over how important it was to provide safe access to city services for those of us out here that rely so heavily on them. And just about the time I had worked out my “flaming hate letter” to the new mayor in my head, Sweet Baby James started singing in my ear :

Never Underestimate “Old Top”

Shit Talkin' is an acquired skill; everybody does it, but only the best of us can do it well enough that the target never forgets what was said to them at their own expense....

A Lovely Ride

All my life, I have been a "quotes" guy. What I mean by that is that whenever I come across just the right combination of words, they stick in my head and stay with...

Cross-Species Teambuilding

This is not a puppy story; now that Miss Alice has her own account, email address, and identity, she is hard at work on her next diary. It is a Hermit Chronicle derived partly...

Advice From My Life Coach

Some of you peeps might have noticed that things have been a bit quiet around here lately, but I can assure you that the only "quiet" things going on behind this keyboard and mouse...

At Odds With Human Nature

Serious question: Have you ever written something and gone back a very long time later (looking for a specific pull quote) to reuse it in new content and thought to yourself, "damn... That was...

Resistence Is Futile

In the modern vernacular, it can be fairly said that I grew up in a hoarder's home. Not only am I not ashamed of that, but I am actually quite proud of it; when...

COVID-19 & The Death Of A Furtive Way Of Life

The greatest things in life are the ones nobody else is doing.

Evolution Of A Nobody Writer – Part I

The idea of writing an autobiography by creating a collection of memoirs is not something I came up with on my own. I fell into it quite by accident, wandering aimlessly on the internet...

Evolution Of A Nobody Writer – Part III

Change is a fickle bitch; sometimes, in life, we instigate change, and other times, it is thrust upon us against our will. The damnable thing is that, in the case of the former, we...