Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cross-Species Teambuilding

This is not a puppy story; now that Miss Alice has her own account, email address, and identity, she is hard at work on her next diary. It is a Hermit Chronicle derived partly...

A Half-Day Hermit Furlough

As of this writing, I have been effectively housebound for the last two and a half months. Having spent the last ten years happily living a self-induced Hermit life, preserving a comfortable 100-yard socially...

The COVID-19 School Of Higher Learning

It's fair to say that change is not always pleasant or welcome in life, especially when it is forced upon us - in many cases - against our will. There can be no greater...

Writing: An Enigmatic Paradox

Of the many words I am deeply fond of, there are two in particular that give me pause every time I come across them. The word "Paradox" (a self-contradiction that may turn out to...

A Lovely Ride

All my life, I have been a "quotes" guy. What I mean by that is that whenever I come across just the right combination of words, they stick in my head and stay with...

Body Of Work

I thought about writing an autobiography once. I had a good chuckle with myself, thinking it was not only a self-indulgent vanity to think anyone would care about my life story while, on the...

Love, Life & Patchwork Quilts

If I've done my job well enough here, the title alone should make you scratch your head, wondering just where the fuck I'm headed with this piece. Good. Regular visitors here know well enough,...

A Tricky Tricycle Caper

My birthday came and went a few weeks ago, quietly and with little fanfare as birthdays should be once you have fallen headlong into your twilight years. And, the older I get the more...

Evolution Of A Nobody Writer – Part III

Change is a fickle bitch; sometimes, in life, we instigate change, and other times, it is thrust upon us against our will. The damnable thing is that, in the case of the former, we...

A Hermit Battery Recharge

I honestly can't say for sure why it is that I am drawn to bodies of water. Though not much of a believer in the whole Astrology thing, the fact that I am a...