Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Best “Happy-ness” Comes When You’re Not Looking

... the third in this case being whatever writing the other two will allow him time to focus on] This is probably a rhetorical question, but have any of you ever been so consumed with...

A Half-Day Hermit Furlough

As of this writing, I have been effectively housebound for the last two and a half months. Having spent the last ten years happily living a self-induced Hermit life, preserving a comfortable 100-yard socially...

Resistence Is Futile

In the modern vernacular, it can be fairly said that I grew up in a hoarder's home. Not only am I not ashamed of that, but I am actually quite proud of it; when...

Triggers & Introspections

What follows is not about me but about readers, writers, and lovers of the craft. My morning routine of scrolling through the work of others, with my 100-hour incredibly eclectic and wildly random genre...

Never Underestimate “Old Top”

Shit Talkin' is an acquired skill; everybody does it, but only the best of us can do it well enough that the target never forgets what was said to them at their own expense....

Evolution Of A Nobody Writer – Part III

Change is a fickle bitch; sometimes, in life, we instigate change, and other times, it is thrust upon us against our will. The damnable thing is that, in the case of the former, we...

Evolution Of A Nobody Writer – Part II

Google first appeared in late 1998. A decade or so after they opened their doors, an old friend told me that their very existence had lowered the global IQ by at least 10 points,...

Evolution Of A Nobody Writer – Part I

The idea of writing an autobiography by creating a collection of memoirs is not something I came up with on my own. I fell into it quite by accident, wandering aimlessly on the internet...

Body Of Work

I thought about writing an autobiography once. I had a good chuckle with myself, thinking it was not only a self-indulgent vanity to think anyone would care about my life story while, on the...

Beauty In Chaos

If such a thing existed as a self-portrait of internal brain function, mine must surely be this image. I took this picture about a year ago and have come back to it quite a...