Thursday, January 2, 2025

Greyhound Dreamin’

It may not seem like it but maintaining one's Urban Hermit status requires a great deal of effort and commitment. To be good at it... hell,to even qualify for Hermit Club membership consideration, one...

The Fat City Bus Driver

I was on a bus not too long ago that was being driven by a fat City Bus driver during which there was a hostile confrontation between him and one of the passengers that...

Kindred Strangers

In my day-to-day life, mine is a simple existence - with a dog and two cats- comfortably ensconced in a Hermit lifestyle. Nonetheless, I am sometimes required to interact with the occasional humanoid because...

Seizing Moments

The Coronavirus pandemic is certainly a terrible thing. Not only is it killing people and bringing the world to its economic knees, but it is also universally forcing the human race to take pause...


This like a gift from the Almighty Himself!

One Last Goodbye

It's not the"stuff" we gain or lose, nor the people that come and go throughout our lives, that define who we are as human beings. It is the person we allow ourselves to become, as the chapters open and close, that says everything about who we really are and what we are really made of.

Beach fireworks : An allegory for life

It's hard to say for sure what goes on in other people's quiet minds.

Bus Ride Banter

It took every fiber of my being to keep a straight face and nod sympathetically in the hope that - now that she was on a roll - she might elaborate, from a woman's perspective, on an opinion I happened to quite strongly share.

Karma & The Doctor

All that kept playing in my head was the advice he had given me at our last appointment. And it came out of me before I even realized I was thinking about saying it out loud.

City Buzzards

The waiting area at the bus stop was empty when I got there, and I had about 15 minutes to wait before the number 10 outbound would arrive. Like always, I tucked my cane and backpack under the shelter and settled in to watch the shitshow that was taking place about 30 ft straight in front of me. I had a flashback to my childhood and all of those Sunday nights that I spent watching "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom." I laughed out loud a little at how much this feeding frenzy reminded me of all those images I saw of buzzards fighting for a spot on a carcass. Watching those seagulls made me feel bad, all over again, for that poor water buffalo that had had the great misfortune of being at the back of the line when the stampede of fear kicked off.