Short Sleeved Paper T-Shirt
I had to go to the drugstore last night to pick up a new prescription for Daisy. It's only about a half mile each way, so it wasn't that big a deal, and after...
Bus Ride Banter
It took every fiber of my being to keep a straight face and nod sympathetically in the hope that - now that she was on a roll - she might elaborate, from a woman's perspective, on an opinion I happened to quite strongly share.
Going To Hell In A School Bus
I remember thinking that maybe that's how the real hell works - an unbearable stretch of torment and misery which is really nothing more then a Purgatory of sorts, intended only to lull you into thinking that it's not so bad after all and that you might actually be able to survive it... before satan opens the door and you get kicked in the face with the REAL hell.
Important Substack Lessons
I did a piece recently, reminiscing about my long-passed Aunt Carrie ("A Cane, A Hatchet, And A Corncob Pipe") and some of the wisdom she imparted to me, especially as it pertains to the...
Tending To The Human Condition
In the introduction to my first book, I made a general observation about the human species; "At our core, the primal driving forces of the human race, as they are with all living...
For The Love Of “Little Ol’ Ladies”
I have made no secret of my general disdain for the greater majority of the human race, and I make no apologies; it has been my experience, over the course of my almost 65...
A Cane, A Hatchet, And A Corncob Pipe
Storytellers quite often tell stories that they remembered while they were in a moment of deep reflection, trying to recall the details of an altogether completely unrelated topic. This is certainly my curse, and...
Better, 2nd Time ’round
I did an entry 7 years ago (I was completely gobsmacked to discover that it had been that long ago) in which I described an experience I had shared with my daughter, her husband,...
Greyhound Dreamin’
It may not seem like it but maintaining one's Urban Hermit status requires a great deal of effort and commitment. To be good at it... hell,to even qualify for Hermit Club membership consideration, one...
Beach fireworks : An allegory for life
It's hard to say for sure what goes on in other people's quiet minds.