One Last Goodbye

It's not the"stuff" we gain or lose, nor the people that come and go throughout our lives, that define who we are as human beings. It is the person we allow ourselves to become, as the chapters open and close, that says everything about who we really are and what we are really made of.

A Claus Confab

Whether it be fate, karma,destiny, divine intervention... or some combination of them all... maybe - just maybe - all any of us can do is just follow the path we find ourselves on regardless whether we were looking for it or just fell down face first in front of it.

Beach fireworks : An allegory for life

It's hard to say for sure what goes on in other people's quiet minds.

A Cane, A Hatchet, And A Corncob Pipe

Storytellers quite often tell stories that they remembered while they were in a moment of deep reflection, trying to recall the details of an altogether completely unrelated topic. This is certainly my curse, and...

Tending To The Human Condition

In the introduction to my first book, I made a general observation about the human species; "At our core, the primal driving forces of the human race, as they are with all living...

Karma & The Doctor

All that kept playing in my head was the advice he had given me at our last appointment. And it came out of me before I even realized I was thinking about saying it out loud.

Kindred Strangers

In my day-to-day life, mine is a simple existence - with a dog and two cats- comfortably ensconced in a Hermit lifestyle. Nonetheless, I am sometimes required to interact with the occasional humanoid because...

For The Love Of “Little Ol’ Ladies”

I have made no secret of my general disdain for the greater majority of the human race, and I make no apologies; it has been my experience, over the course of my almost 65...

Eye Of The Beholder

I came of age in the '70s and, through that initial stretch of mid-to-late puberty and into early adulthood, I dressed like the classic hippie; I had long dark red hair, a...

God Wink?

If you are an atheist or non-believer, as you set out to read this entry, I won't hold it against you if you decide to move on to something else. Before you leave, however,...