Saturday, September 7, 2024

Photo Journal: A Hermit Store Run

Especially for my overseas penpal, April ~ The inbound Carriage arrives It's a cozy ride My whole heart hates City life Crosswalk death's nearby Gladiator breakfast time! What hell lurks inside? Mapping out my shopping strides What the hell'd I...

The Best Voices Are The Ones In Your Head

I know, I know... I have issues; obviously, any shrink worth their salt would dispatch a gaggle of white-jacketed thugs to your address to re-home you in a cozy little room with padding...

I Crack Myself Up

I could play the "blind card," or I could claim a senior moment, or I could even try to make the case that I simply made a rookie mistake. The problem here is that...


A month ago, I might have titled this "Life Cycles." Two weeks ago, it could have been "Transitions". Now? Each of these falls terribly short of the mark. Setting out to put together my...

Writing: An Enigmatic Paradox

Of the many words I am deeply fond of, there are two in particular that give me pause every time I come across them. The word "Paradox" (a self-contradiction that may turn out to...

At Odds With Human Nature

Serious question: Have you ever written something and gone back a very long time later (looking for a specific pull quote) to reuse it in new content and thought to yourself, "damn... That was...

If I’d Written A COVID Diary

The lede would have been, "Day 1: Dear Diary, what in the actual fuck?" While my brain was catching some z's last night, filing away random shit that will come back to visit me...

Her Name Is Beatrice

Since the dawn of humankind, certainly, no later than when we started praying to Gods (Sun, Moon, Stars, and so on), we have given these things names. 300,000 years later, more or less, there...

A Blind Old Guy Walks Into A Bar…

...sits down and orders a shot of Jack and whatever cheap beer they have on tap. Dispensing with Jack, he takes a baby sip of the beer to rinse the palate and, like he...

A Hermit Battery Recharge

I honestly can't say for sure why it is that I am drawn to bodies of water. Though not much of a believer in the whole Astrology thing, the fact that I am a...