Love, Life & Patchwork Quilts

If I've done my job well enough here, the title alone should make you scratch your head, wondering just where the fuck I'm headed...

Paperboy Prattle

I think I have made it clear that I am not a morning person, not terribly fond of the entire human race until I've...

48 Hours

I have quoted James Taylor more than once on his observation that "the secret to life is enjoying the passage of time." He is...

“Fucking Vermin”: For The Love Of Hatred

Yes, I strategically placed an F-bomb in the title precisely because I'm hoping to draw everyone's attention to a species-wide crisis that, especially at...

The Straight Path Of Of The Circle

Don't you love self-contradictory expressions? I have publicly said several times that I have had a lifelong fascination with words and letters. All the...

The Counsel Of Cats

It will come as no surprise, Hermit that I am, that I spend Thanksgiving by myself, in the company of my cats and my...

Warmed By Frozen Silence

It is true what they say about some of your senses getting better after one or more of the others is compromised in some...

Photo Journal: A Hermit Store Run

Especially for my overseas penpal, April ~ The inbound Carriage arrives It's a cozy ride My whole heart hates City life Crosswalk death's nearby Gladiator breakfast time! What hell...

The Best Voices Are The Ones In Your Head

I know, I know... I have issues; obviously, any shrink worth their salt would dispatch a gaggle of white-jacketed thugs to your address...

I Crack Myself Up

I could play the "blind card," or I could claim a senior moment, or I could even try to make the case that I...