Saturday, July 27, 2024
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The Best “Happy-ness” Comes When You’re Not Looking

[Judge not the Author by the condition of his home, rather appreciate how low he is willing to set his living space standards to accommodate the three greatest loves of his life]… the third in this case being whatever writing the other two will allow him time to focus on] This is probably a rhetorical […]

A Half-Day Hermit Furlough

As of this writing, I have been effectively housebound for the last two and a half months. Having spent the last ten years happily living a self-induced Hermit life, preserving a comfortable 100-yard socially distanced space between myself and the outside world, and projecting some sort of faux-Agoraphobic persona, mine has become a mighty fine […]

Resistence Is Futile

In the modern vernacular, it can be fairly said that I grew up in a hoarder’s home. Not only am I not ashamed of that, but I am actually quite proud of it; when everything you know and understand about your world becomes your version of normal, the things that everybody else does seem odd, […]

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The Best “Happy-ness” Comes When You’re Not Looking

[Judge not the Author by the condition of his home, rather appreciate how low he is willing to set his living space standards to accommodate the three greatest loves of his life]… the third in this case being whatever writing the other two will allow him time to focus on] This is probably a rhetorical […]

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The Alice Diaries: # 8- First Tastes Of Freedom

Dear Diary, It is a beautiful and glorious day here in the Northeast, and me and my Dad pray this entry finds you and yours happy, healthy, and safe. My goodness, I have soooooo much to tell you!!! Me and Dad went on our very first vacation together, and they were the best days of […]

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The Best “Happy-ness” Comes When You’re Not Looking

[Judge not the Author by the condition of his home, rather appreciate how low he is willing to set his living space standards to accommodate the three greatest loves of his life]… the third in this case being whatever writing the other two will allow him time to focus on] This is probably a rhetorical […]

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The Alice Diaries: # 8- First Tastes Of Freedom

Dear Diary, It is a beautiful and glorious day here in the Northeast, and me and my Dad pray this entry finds you and yours happy, healthy, and safe. My goodness, I have soooooo much to tell you!!! Me and Dad went on our very first vacation together, and they were the best days of […]
