Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Early-Bird Drunk And The Snapped Backpack Strap

I gave the driver a "please give me a second to wrestle my bag away from this drunk alligator" look and politely told this guy that it was no big deal... I could fix it when I got home... and that I hoped he'd have a nice day. It took him a second, but he came to understand that I was politely telling him to let the fuck go and back off.

Bemoaning The General Lack Of Self-Awareness In Tight Quarters

My appetite was beginning to wane... and it occurred to me that perhaps some of this cultural erosion of common decency and fundamental self - respect could somehow be blamed on the invention of the cell phone. I mean.. think about it.. back in the old days of rotary and push button phones these sorts of conversations more commonly took place in the privacy of your own home and were rarely overheard by random strangers on the streets.

Karma & The Doctor

All that kept playing in my head was the advice he had given me at our last appointment. And it came out of me before I even realized I was thinking about saying it out loud.

City Buzzards

The waiting area at the bus stop was empty when I got there, and I had about 15 minutes to wait before the number 10 outbound would arrive. Like always, I tucked my cane and backpack under the shelter and settled in to watch the shitshow that was taking place about 30 ft straight in front of me. I had a flashback to my childhood and all of those Sunday nights that I spent watching "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom." I laughed out loud a little at how much this feeding frenzy reminded me of all those images I saw of buzzards fighting for a spot on a carcass. Watching those seagulls made me feel bad, all over again, for that poor water buffalo that had had the great misfortune of being at the back of the line when the stampede of fear kicked off.

Bus Ride Banter

It took every fiber of my being to keep a straight face and nod sympathetically in the hope that - now that she was on a roll - she might elaborate, from a woman's perspective, on an opinion I happened to quite strongly share.

The Future Of Old Folk Shopping

I sincerely appreciate every genre of music... Even the Techno stuff that has become so popular... And despite my disdain for some genres that celebrate violence and the mistreatment of women, I am all...

Tending To The Human Condition

In the introduction to my first book, I made a general observation about the human species; "At our core, the primal driving forces of the human race, as they are with all living...

For The Love Of “Little Ol’ Ladies”

I have made no secret of my general disdain for the greater majority of the human race, and I make no apologies; it has been my experience, over the course of my almost 65...

God Wink?

If you are an atheist or non-believer, as you set out to read this entry, I won't hold it against you if you decide to move on to something else. Before you leave, however,...

Short Sleeved Paper T-Shirt

I had to go to the drugstore last night to pick up a new prescription for Daisy. It's only about a half mile each way, so it wasn't that big a deal, and after...